Friday, May 2, 2008


I forgot to post about this...

So Vince put together this amazing ride that he, Scott, Erik and I went on Wednesday night. Google Maps had it listed as 45 miles, but we did a little extra when riding through the state park. We started around 6:20 when we picked up Scott, rode as far north as Sleepy Hollow State Park and all the way back. Some of the hills were intense, but the ride itself was really fucking smooth. The roads were all in great condition and the scenery was typical for Michigan country - beautiful at times, boring at others. We got back at around 9:45 or a little earlier. Considering the half hour or so break that we took to have our snacks at the halfway point or the other little breaks along the way, we probably rode that 45+ in about 3 hours. I would say that's some damn good pacing.

I'm looking forward to more of these long ass rides in the summer to come. Hopefully I'll find the time to get out and make them. It's just good to know that I really don't have that much of an upper limit; that 45 miles, though long in the process, is entirely doable.

Oh, and I got my Kremlin in today. Sick big. Ask me and I'll let you get in and take you for a ride on my back. It could totally happen.



Matt said...

You got a Kremlin? What's that like 45 messenger bags that you have now?

steve said...

Yeah... It's number four. One little Timbuk2, one medium, one little Chrome, one monster.

I plan on getting/making more. It's a kind of addiction.