Thursday, May 1, 2008


So I signed my lease for, and moved some things into, my new townhouse in Oak Park. Hit me up for the address so you can stop by. I have every intention of turning my mini fridge into nothing more than a PBR dispenser (keg w. CO2 plus as many bottles/cans it can fit ... word). If that's not attraction enough to stop the fuck over, I don't know what is.

So, the first things I moved in? 3 boxes of notes, a bike frame and all the shit that was in my trunk. Pretty much sums up my life, yeah?

Oh, and within my first two hours at the place there was damage done to my car. No joke. Some silly ass neighborhood kids thought it was a good idea to throw rocks and one of them broke my right side mirror. At least that's what I've convinced myself as having happened to both give the kids the benefit of the doubt and not cast any sort of shadow on my new living arrangement. Oddly enough, it's the same complex that Charissa, my old coworker and dear friend used to live in, and she never had any complaints.

But I took my tour and tossed some stuff in the basement, and I'm really excited for this place. I'm thrilled at the prospect of being able to do decorate the place as I see fit. Trust that it's going to be great.

The PBR Kegerator is really going to tie the whole place together.


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