Sunday, May 25, 2008


This isn't an art blog.  I don't pretend that it is.  But when I find neat examples of art that I dig, I'm sure to post it up here so that the few who read this can share in it.

And see that I really am cultured.

Just go here.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

ratatat + predator = sweet

Matt Flint can't break all the Ratatat news.


Friday, May 23, 2008

new things

I'm not trying to brag, I'm just excited.

To complete my entertainment center.

To complete my home.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

so i'm home

In redford after about 20 hours at Sparrow Hospital. Here's the skinny:

So Sunday night, around 6:00 or so, my gut started cramping. It was pretty general, more or less all over. I didn't like it, but I didn't think much of it. However, when it continued throughout Monday, I started thinking. I wasn't running a fever, I wasn't nauseous and I still had a decent appetite. I skipped a lecture in the evening because I wasn't feeling hot and I took a nap. Since the pain was still there after the rest, I started poking around. Not much on the left, not much up top but, lower right - there it was. For those not medically inclined, draw a picture from your bellybutton (umbilicus) to your right hip bone (anterior superior iliac spine). Two thirds of the way out from your umbilicus, along this line, is a specific point - McBurney's. Lots of pain when you press there? First on your list would be appendicitis, even with a lack of fever or referral from the LLQ and a normal WBC (found out later).

So I guess you figured it out, like I did. After a consult with a family friend/doctor/MSUCOM grad I called Sigro and had her take me to the ED over at Sparrow. It took a while, but I eventually got in and a barium contrast CT (at 4:00AM) confirmed it. Two hours later I was prepped and by 6:45AM or so, I was out of surgery less one vestigial organ with my parents at my side. I hung out in recover for a while. Got sick, found out that morphine doesn't do a damn thing for me and made the switch over to Vicodin, which seems to do the trick.

So at the moment, I'm relaxing at home in Redford with my parents taking good care of me. They got the appendix out laparoscopically, which means that I only have three small incisions instead of one big one. Only problem is that my appendix was so inflamed that it was two big for the 1cm incision in my left lower quadrant - meaning that they had to stretch it out a bit, leading to a bit more tenderness and bleeding post op. Other than that, everything went fine and should stay fine.

Oh, and there's a marking on my liver that looks like a peace sign. Dr. Khoo said that he's never seen anything like it. Fun stuff.

I want to write more, but that's all there is to the story. Holler at me.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

again and again

Excellent video to follow...



As promised:

Photo by PhotoBooth, which means it's mirrored and that's my left arm, not my right.

Also, first picture taken in my new place.  Pretty sweet wall, yeah?


Friday, May 9, 2008

another day...

...just another bike inspired tattoo. I got my stylized drivetrain done today on my left upper arm. Expect a shot as soon as I get the wrap off and get around to snapping a pic.

I got Jesus' face touched up, too. I'm excited to see what he looks like when the swelling is down.


Saturday, May 3, 2008


Today sucks. Vince just finished packing up and left, on his way to Flint and then Grand Rapids. He was right with what he said standing outside his car. This is just the end of the house for the both of us, not the end of our friendship. I know that's true. Over the last 4 years, Vince has become my very best friend and one of the most important people in my life. I'm endlessly proud of him and his accomplishments, and I respect him in every way a person can be respected. We've helped each other out through some of the worst times in our lives, and we've laughed with each other through some of the very best. I'm lucky to even know him and privileged to be his friend. That's probably why I broke down as I walked away from him and back into the emptying house and why I'm holding more back right now.

Vince: I love you very much and you mean more to me than I think you'll ever really know. Our friendship is something that I cherish deeply and know will last the rest of our lives. In between times we see each other, know that I'm missing you and wishing you the very best.


Friday, May 2, 2008


I forgot to post about this...

So Vince put together this amazing ride that he, Scott, Erik and I went on Wednesday night. Google Maps had it listed as 45 miles, but we did a little extra when riding through the state park. We started around 6:20 when we picked up Scott, rode as far north as Sleepy Hollow State Park and all the way back. Some of the hills were intense, but the ride itself was really fucking smooth. The roads were all in great condition and the scenery was typical for Michigan country - beautiful at times, boring at others. We got back at around 9:45 or a little earlier. Considering the half hour or so break that we took to have our snacks at the halfway point or the other little breaks along the way, we probably rode that 45+ in about 3 hours. I would say that's some damn good pacing.

I'm looking forward to more of these long ass rides in the summer to come. Hopefully I'll find the time to get out and make them. It's just good to know that I really don't have that much of an upper limit; that 45 miles, though long in the process, is entirely doable.

Oh, and I got my Kremlin in today. Sick big. Ask me and I'll let you get in and take you for a ride on my back. It could totally happen.


Thursday, May 1, 2008


So I signed my lease for, and moved some things into, my new townhouse in Oak Park. Hit me up for the address so you can stop by. I have every intention of turning my mini fridge into nothing more than a PBR dispenser (keg w. CO2 plus as many bottles/cans it can fit ... word). If that's not attraction enough to stop the fuck over, I don't know what is.

So, the first things I moved in? 3 boxes of notes, a bike frame and all the shit that was in my trunk. Pretty much sums up my life, yeah?

Oh, and within my first two hours at the place there was damage done to my car. No joke. Some silly ass neighborhood kids thought it was a good idea to throw rocks and one of them broke my right side mirror. At least that's what I've convinced myself as having happened to both give the kids the benefit of the doubt and not cast any sort of shadow on my new living arrangement. Oddly enough, it's the same complex that Charissa, my old coworker and dear friend used to live in, and she never had any complaints.

But I took my tour and tossed some stuff in the basement, and I'm really excited for this place. I'm thrilled at the prospect of being able to do decorate the place as I see fit. Trust that it's going to be great.

The PBR Kegerator is really going to tie the whole place together.
