Thursday, January 31, 2008

sarah's secret is out

She told me where she finds good pictures.  I'm not sure if it was told in confidence, but really, I would still share that shit here because it's great.  And I'm sure other people are already aware of the site.

So there you go.

I need to start posting things other than pictures, videos and links.  I'm talking something substantial.  Maybe that will happen.  Maybe.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

war is ugly


It is unless you're fighting Russians.


Monday, January 28, 2008


I know it's kind of lame to publish things that other people have posted, but everybody needs to see this video, and the more times it's out there, the better the chances that somebody will find it.

I really have no words for it.  The only ones that come to mind are "fucking wow."

Oh, and notice how two of those dudez have the same unridable (for all practical purposes) super narrow straight bars.  I kind of miss those...

Yeah, do a search for "rip slyme" on youtube and you'll see that these guys pretty much have the most amazing music videos.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Guidos suck.  Everybody knows that.

The following link has a set of pictures that attest to that, and do so without any words describing the d-bags found in the photos.  Likely the picture heavy post was made so because the person putting the pictures up realized, after the third one, that words - descriptive, comedic or otherwise - would have been simply redundant.

I am never moving to Jersey.  Fuck, if I can help, I'll never even fly over it.

Get sick here.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

as a future physician...

i completely agree with this sentiment:


this confirms it

All sheep are fucking aliens.

Or maybe the aliens are just pretending to be sheep.  I don't know.

Read more here.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

typical... for LA

So apparently, an ATM for marijuana is going to be open for business soon in LA.

Apparently, it's only for people with prescriptions (I'm going to be a doctor) and there will be round the clock security.  I just wish that it weren't a big black box reminiscent of the monolith.  There's just something kind of appealing about going to a vending machine for weed, seeing your choices through a plexiglass window, and watching the little screw turn and your pot fall.

Oh well.  Click here for the full story.

Oh, and click here if you need to clean your monitor.  It'll help reach those tricky spots.



It's amazing how some things can be so damn creepy that they're attractive.

Cute, even.

Get more here.


now it makes sense

I think I finally understand this whole "rap" thing.

There's a bunch more useful charts and graphs to be found here.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

posting videos is easy

So here's another.  This one's from Final Fantasy - basically Owen Pallett, his violin and a sampler.

Simply said, he's the shit when it comes to one-person-making-enough-sound-to-make-you-think-it's-a-whole-fucking-band.  He's what Panther would be if he were from Canada and more indie instead of crazy (and sweet, don't worry).

Check out some of his live videos if you feel like being impressed.


2 minutes 15 seconds

In the same vein as posting fly pics and videos, here's a video that Sarah showed me (how the hell I didn't find it first baffles me - I introduced her to Emily Haines and the Soft Skeletons).

The song is good (obviously) but just how well the video accompanies it is what I find most impressive.


all my friends

I like this song way too much.

And I'm big enough of a nerd to figure out how to embed audio into my blogspot.


what the shit

is this going to be about?

Here I am, joining the second coming (or third or fourth, depending on how old you be) of blogging.  

Am I following a trend set by my friends?  You bet.  

But really.  I need to have a topic, right?  Based on the address and title, you can guess what this blog is going to be to me.  Just one more in a long line of distractions that I don't need in my life right now.  Distractions that come in the guise of websites, friends, social situations, music, games, bikes and all serve the same purpose - to both take me away from the purposes of learning medicine (shit, I didn't mention it yet - I'm going to be a doctor) and bring me back to the life that I once had.  A life where time was on my hands, not running through my fingers.

Wow.  That last sentence sounded good.  Too good.  

But really, what the shit am I going to distract myself and others with regarding this blog?  I mean, I can't just be sweet and write things.  I'm not that sweet, and 8008 has that covered, right?  So lets look for another adjective.  Fly?  No, same thing.  I'm not that fly and juicyvneck has that shit down.

I could write about being smart, but shit, even I'm not that pretentious (fuck you Vince, Julie, Jenne, Matt... anybody who knows me - I'm not that much of a dick).

I could write about the trials and tribulations of being a medical student, but who would want to read that shit?  And besides, it's supposed to take me away from school life, right?

I could write about my life but ... no, see one above.

Fuck it.  I'll probably just relay the obscure things that I find on digg and my casual opinion of the world around me.  In all likelyhood, I'll probably just forget about this shit in about a month or two, and just be content to live vicariously through the blogs of my friends.


ps. I'm going to be a doctor.